A Closer Look at our Courses

Covid Marshal

Our CPD certified Covid Marshall course is designed for people who are taking on the role of a Covid Marshal for their workplace in the UK.


Our course is specially designed to cover 5 key aspects of taking on a Covid Marshal role in the workplace

  1. What is a Covid Marshal?
  2. What is Covid 19?
  3. How to keep yourself and others safe
  4. How to clean and disinfect
  5. Helpful tips and knowledge

But isn’t covid over? Why do we need covid marshals?

Although Freedom day has come and restrictions around the UK have been lifted or eased this doesn’t mean that Covid-19 has gone away, even with the majority of the population now vaccinated the virus will still circulate and much like the common cold or flu it will still be around for a long time to come.

Covid marshals help us restrict the spread of Covid-19 by ensuring everybody follows sensible precautions and our course gives them the required knowledge to keep themselves and others safe.

What does a Covid Marshal do?

A Covid Marshals job is not to enforce the rules or to take punitive action against people, instead they are here to ensure that all possible safety measures are being taken, to remind people to take precautions and to inform and offer advice where needed.


If you need a Covid Marshal for your workplace or simply wish to know more about Covid-19 then this is the course for you 

Our course is entirely online based and can be completed at you own pace and can be reviewed even after you have completed it if you just want to refresh your memory.

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