Paediatric First Aid – Level 3
Today we will be taking another closer look at one of our courses Paediatric First Aid – Level 3.
In this closer look I will explain about the course in more depth and answer a few of the common questions.
This qualification is aimed at people already working or preparing to work in a role with children and it meets the requirements for paediatric first aid outlined in the Early Years Foundation Stage.
The course takes place over 2 days and is comprised of 15 hours of learning
The course covers the following topics:
- The role and responsibilities of the paediatric first-aider
- How to treat minor injuries
- Providing first aid for an infant or a child who is unresponsive and breathing normally
- How to administer first aid to an infant or a child who is choking or suffering from hypovolemic shock
- How to administer first aid to an infant or a child with head and spinal injuries

What is Paediatric first aid?
First Aid is defined as ‘help given to a sick or injured person until full medical treatment is available’.
The term ‘Paediatric First aid’ refers to the skill and knowledge required to provide effective first aid to children. While this is technically anyone under the age of 16, our course focuses on younger children in the range of babies to 5 year olds.
If your business involves children the responsibilities of the person appointed to take charge of first-aid arrangements must include arrangements for effective paediatric first aid.

How is Paediatric first aid different from regular first aid?
While the content for paediatric first aid and first aid at work (FAW) courses do crossover. The main difference is how first aid is applied in different emergencies.
Another big difference is the emphasis, both courses will cover choking and allergies, but they are more likely in children so that content is of a greater focus in our paediatric course.
In addition to FAW training our Paediatric First Aid will cover common illnesses and what to do if a harmful substance has been swallowed.

Who needs Paediatric first aid?
The UK first aid regulations state all business must have appropriately trained staff. Every business must determine what is appropriate following a risk assessment.
The Department of Education guidance, requires all newly qualified child carers to have paediatric first aid training. This includes all nursery and pre-school staff.
So, if you work in any of the businesses below you should have appropriate paediatric first aid training.
- School, pre-school and nursery staff
- Paediatric nurses
- After-school workers
- Sports club staff
- Play and activity centre staff
Even if you don’t work in one of the above roles you may find a paediatric first aid course of interest if you are:
- Childminders
- Babysitters
- And of course, the parents/carers/family of children and infants